Tuesday 7 February 2012

Paris to Aix En Provence

Paris is one of my favourite places to be with Verena made it even better. One of the most stunning things I saw was the Basilique du Sacré-Cœur, picture below:

It was so beautiful that I was totally unprepared on what I saw when I entered, it literally took my breath away! We weren't allowed to take pictures so I found this link:
(Although it does it no justice.)

Whilst at Montmartre I went for a pancake and chose one of the many vendors. I stood in line behind four other tourists who all ordered their pancakes in English from the rather bored and depressed looking pancake lady. Well, I decided I wanted my pancake made with a smile. So when it came to my turn I drummed up the biggest smile I could muster and asked (in French) for a Crepe complete. This was ham, cheese and an egg. She took one look at me and returned my smile. So my pancake was made with love and tasted so good!

One thing I really should mention about Paris is the drivers and bike riders. You see I'm from London, in London bikers ride like they're about to miss a flight. Paris is a bit different, here they ride like they've already missed the flight but they are determined to race the plane to which ever destination they were headed! It's all a bit mental. Crossing the road in Paris is something you need to give lots of attention.

Soon Paris time was up, and so goodbyes were said and onto the TGV trained I hopped. In just three hours I was with my very good friends Aure & Alize in Aix En Provence in the south of France. Here I would stay for eight wonderful days before heading for Barcelona. Aix is a lovely little city with around 140,000 people living there. Obviously I didn't meet them all but those of whom who I did meet were very nice :)

On the weekend Aure and I went to stay in Saint-Maxime, a beautiful coastal town opposite the famous Saint-Tropez. It was off season and we were staying in Aure's uncles flat right on the coast. We spent a few nights partying, drinking and reminiscing of good times back in bolivia.

Being in France was wonderful and just like a holiday for me, but Barcelona was calling and soon enough it was time to pack my bags again and head east into Spain and the capital of Catalonia.