It was up to Tim & myself to have everything running and organised, and due to the fact that we had no daytime bars we always had the daytimes (apart from Sunday) to mooch around town. So for three days we explored wonderful Winchester, watched the street performances and ate out and nice cafes. I was very lucky to also catch up a few times with my very good friend Tim (another Tim, the place was full of them!) And on one particular morning met for breakfast and were joined by a member of Winchester council. The situation soon became very comical when Tim's (Winchester Tim not my work colleague) ex wife turned up, she was immediately very happy to see the councillor there and wanted to pay him back some monies she owed him. The councillor looked noticeably disturbed by this happening in quite a public location and insisted on going into the cafe to pay.....He never came back! Instead deciding that the back door would be in his best interest.....Perhaps a similar decision that got him into the predicament in the first place? ;) In any case whilst in the cafe he also paid for mine, Tim's and Tim's breakfast! And considering that he only had one coffee, we worked out that that single cup had just cost him around £27! So breakfast on Winchester council then nice!
The rest of the weekend bathed us in glorious sunshine. We had amazing and happy bar staff courtesy of a local agency and even had rooms in the local university as there was no camping, what a touch! It was one great party!
Our bar in the big top

Sonisphere was the next festie I went to and for this one I was trying out a new company, Creative Events. I'd never worked for them before and would only earn a small amount of money as I was bar staff for the event. So I decided to do what (it seams) I do best, show everyone up! Might as well, they don't know me and I'm trying to get in good with a new company, makes sense no? So I worked my arse off for my first shift, ran rings round everyone. And wouldn't you know it, they made me supervisor from then on in! That paid off nicely :D The rest of the weekend was spent with an awesome metal soundtrack, Slayer, Metallica, Weezer, Cavalera Conspiracy and Limp Bizkit. Overall a really fun weekend! Met some great people too!
Wonderful meeting up with good friends at Sonisphere

One of my favourite pictures of the summer

Night photography, 60 second aperture opening
Latitude was next up and I was to run the Campsite Bar again. I really like working there and it's my second year doing so. A great festie, bit middle class but done well with lots to see. Caught up with many friends and had a few parties along the way.
I left Latitude and headed straight for Secret Garden Party! I arrived as a Green Steward but was quickly passed onto a wonderful job in production! Yet another sweet touch. The summer was really looking after me! After meeting Lou and her team it was decided that I would be working at the information point which was also lost & found. Seriously best job ever! I had so much fun working there and have since been promised work there anytime I want! Happy days!!! What a crazy festie! So much fun, dancing, drinking and playing with friends new and old, I love SGP!!
My next stop was the Play Festival. A small and intimate circus skills event in North Wales, 200 miles away from where I was, and onto my bike I jumped and headed there, oh the feeling of freedom. Play was a wonderful festie too (they all were!) I did a few shifts on the gate, met many many wonderful people and had a real good chill out!
Took a walk up to the lonely tree:

And never wanted to come down!
Right! It's now sleepy time! I've almost caught up with my summer and only have a few festies left to do and write about. That'll all happen in the next few weeks before I head off again into the sunset. This time round Europe then Israel! The excitement draws in again :D
Till then sweet dreams to you all xxx
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