On the weekend we went with a friend Gregor to the Sächsische Schweiz, a hilly climbing area and national park. Autumn had just arrived and the colours were nothing short of breath taking!

We walked around all day, had a picnic on the edge of a cliff and took many photos of the utter beauty that surrounded us!
We were all quite exhausted on the train hope, although there was some entertainment in the way of a cute baby playing in his pram. He had the whole carriage captivated for the whole journey while he laughed and played with his toys...Broody....me....nah!......
Dresden is a great town. Pretty much everyone cycles and Anna managed to get me a friedns spare bike to get around on, I really miss cycling! The next night Anna and I cycled to a house party. House parties are a bit different to that in London. If you're a stranger everyone will come up to you and introduce themselves, so polite! Of course I forgot every new name almost immediately but it was such a nice sentiment.
After a week in Dresden it was time to venture to Berlin. Anna's mum lives in Potsdam a city 15 miles southwest of Berlin. In Germany car sharing is very popular and almost the only way students can move around the country affordably. We met Manuel in a McDonalds car park. He drove a four door green Nissan yogurt (or something like that, it was quite forgettable) Obviously I wasn't expecting something exotic or rare, but the child inside still hopes ;)
Manuel managed to ignore all of these signs

Pretty much the best road sign that exists ever! He kept to around 120kph the whole way. I know it doesn't matter, but in my head our car share would be some maniac with a BMW M5 estate and blast us to Berlin in around four minutes. What was important was that the Nissan and Manuel got us to Berlin in around €10, which was nice :D Oh and we passed what seemed like a million wind farms on the way to Berlin. Germany gets 9% of it's power from these things, that's quite a bit!
Anyhoo, Feeling tired now and I've got to grab a shower so it's goodbye for now and I'll update again soon. Till then it's a goodnight from Barcelona xx