Wednesday, 5 January 2011

And so it begins

With Winter Wonderland over I now find my future outlook that much rosier. Not that it was hell on earth, but imagine working at a festival that never seemed to end, and that festival celebrating christmas and the consumerism that comes with it. Bit too much out of my comfort zone for that length of time. However I've met and worked with some really great people and that for me was well worth it :D

Medical Couriers already seems like a lifetime ago, I wonder what they are up to right now?

And so I'm sat here in my mothers living room waiting for a cab to take me to the train station for my first flight of many. This one is to visit my amazing grandma in a real winter wonderland, Switzerland, right near the border of Appelzell. I will be helping her move house further into town where life for her will become easier and closer to friends, and also catching up on some of my childhood friends.

I wish you all a healthy and joyful January.

Much love
